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Lesson 9: Journey to the Real Mt. Sinai "The Ten Commandments"

Hiking in the Jebel al Lawz range was different than any mountain climbing John had done before. The steep mountain was covered with large and small rock boulders, dotted with thorn bushes (Remember Sinai means thorny!) There was no visible path. How in the world did his guide, Abdullah, know where to go? John quickly learned this would be no little stroll up the mountain, and the task definitely not for the faint hearted. How did Moses ever climb up this mountain so many times at age 80?

Chapter 19 begins the section of scripture I call the “ups and downs” of Moses, which leads up to the giving of the Ten Commandments! Moses actually goes up and down the mountain of God three times before the commandments are given, each time speaking with God, relaying God’s message to the people at the bottom of the mountain , and climbing back up again with the answer. Many Bible teachers relate the giving of the covenant of the 10 Commandments by God to Israel, to a Jewish wedding ceremony. If that is so, then the ups and downs of Chapter 19, represents the settling of the marriage contract between the two “families,” with Moses as the go-between!

For Lesson Plans for Lesson 9, Click Here!


Read Scripture: Exodus 19 -20

Discussion Questions:

  1. What new thing did you notice while reading this scripture, or watching the video, that you did not know before about the giving of the 10 Commandments?

  2. What part of this lesson stood out to you the most?

  3. How is God’s covenant with Israel at Sinai like a Jewish wedding ceremony? Name all you can think of.

  4. Why do you think the people asked Moses to speak to God for them?

  5. How are the Ten Commandments like the Ten Realities?

  6. Why do you think God did not want the people to come up onto the mountain?

  7. Why was it so important that He told them twice?

  8. What do you think the voice of God sounded like?

  9. Have you ever heard the voice of God?

  10. It is said that there is no true freedom without the rule of law. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

  11. As our culture thumbs it’s nose at our national laws, such as immigration, election laws, and other laws, how is this affecting our culture?

  12. Our society had laws protecting freedom of speech, right to assembly, right to due process, right to religion, that are now being ignored. Does that mean we have more freedom or less?

Joel Richardson teaches about how the events at Mt. Sinai relate to a Jewish Wedding Ceremony.


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