Esther: For Such a Time as This! Session 6
The Feast of Purim (Chapters 9 and 10)
" Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the King's command and his decree to be executed. On the day the the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jew themselves overpowered those who hated them" (Esther 9:1).
Due to one amazing turn of events, throughout the entire Persian world what had been meant for evil, God used for good. In the last days, all who are in the entire world will witness the same phenomenon. King Jesus will return to the earth, defeat the ultimate antichrist, and save the Jews one more time!
You can almost see them there in your mind's eye... Xerxes and Esther... standing on the balcony of the citadel looking out at the city. This time they are together.... watching together, waiting together, hoping together, while they wait for the news of this fateful day. The news comes in... 500 men are destroyed by the Jews in Susa alone, including the 10 sons of Haman. (10 Kings? End times?) This time, without the throne, the ceremony, or the royal scepter, Xerxes turns to his wife and once more asks her if she has anything more he can do for her... She says, "Can we do this one more day? Just in Susa?"
In the end, 75,000 enemies of the Jews are destroyed throughout the empire. And even though the edict did allow the Jews to take the plunder, the bible records that they did not.
The Feast of Purim, a day of joy and gladness, therefore is celebrated both on the 14th and 15th of Adar. On these days, the Jews rested from their enemies. Mordecai himself sent a letter to all the Jews in the Persian Empire decreeing a yearly holiday! These were to be days of feasting and joy, giving gifts to each other, and gifts to the poor. Finally, Esther herself sent a second letter, confirming that the feast of Purim (or casting of the lot) should be celebrated by the Jews for all generations to come.
Be sure to read chapters 9 and 10 out loud. As you read, write down any questions you may still have regarding the text. Check out the commentary for the last few chapters, while noting the secret codes "hidden" in the book of Esther. Finally, watch the conclusion of the video and answer the questions below. If you have time, celebrate the Feast of Purim by having a party! Dress up to hide your identity, cook special food, (see the recipes below!) and don't forget to read out loud the entire book of Esther, while booing the evil Haman along the way! Click Here for Lesson Plans for the entire study.
Play Video: 1:18:40 -1:27:08. (11 minutes)
Discussion Questions:
What stood out to you the most while studying this lesson?
How are Esther and the King interacting differently in chapters 9 and 10?
Why do you think Esther asked for another day?
What could these chapters be representing prophetically?
Why do you think Esther and Mordecai wanted there to be an official "Feast of Purim?"
Which was your favorite session of this study and why?
What did you learn from observing Esther's actions and behaviors that can be applied for "such a time as this?'
Click Here to learn about the Feast of Purim, and how it is celebrated today!
Click Here and Here, too! for recipes for recipes for Purim!