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Session 4: Wallbuilders "Spiritual Gates"

In session 4, we study how Nehemiah assigns different groups of workers to rebuild a section of the wall, each one between 10 different gates. In this lesson, we study the spiritual meanings of the physical gates, as well as the concept of spiritual gates. Click here for handouts. Links for the articles quoted in the video are found below in the activities section.

Scriptures: Nehemiah 2:17 to Nehemiah 3:1,Psalm 24:7-9, Daniel 9:25 Colossians 3:2

Video Time 16:00


1. What was your favorite part of this lesson?

2. How would you explain the. concept of a spiritual gate?

3. What was the significance of the sheep gate?

4. Why do you think the Israelites were so excited and motivated to rebuild the wall?


1. What other bible characters had something significant happen in the "gates?" See how many you can find. Example: Boaz arranged to marry Ruth in the gates of the city. Ruth 4:1.

Clues: Genesis 24: 60, Genesis 19:1, Joshua 6:26, Genesis 28:7, Judges 18:16, 1 Sam 4:18, 2 Sam 3:27, 2 Sam 15:2, 2 Sam 18:33, 2 Chron 23:19, Esther 5:9, Matthew 7:14, Matthew 16:18, Acts 3:2, Acts 12:10.

2. Pray every day for 9 days for God to anoint you afresh with a different characteristic of the fruit of the spirit... Galatians 5:22-23. (See prayers under clip below.

3. Enjoy this short clip about the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem today.

4. Spend time reading about the other gates at the link mentioned in the video.

(Article by I Gordon.)

Here is the link for the seven page article quoted in the video with the map and meaning of the gates. Click Here!

Here is the link for the article written by Pastor Blake! Don't miss it! Click Here!

Here is a view of the Jaffa Gate today.

Day 4 Project! Galatians 5:22-23

I’m inviting you to join my challenge!!! Each day pray for a fresh anointing of one of the different attributes of the fruit of the spirit. The challenge is to exhibit that fruit more fully that day! Let the Holy Spirit of God flow through you as the gateway from him to others.

Day 1: Love. Father, we pray for a fresh anointing of your spirit today as we exhibit your love. Flow through us Father as we lift up our heads. Let your love flow through us to others in Jesus’ name. As we are the gatekeepers of the mind of Christ, let us open wide the gate to the world today. Amen.

Day 2: Joy. Father, help us lift up our heads to you! Give us a fresh anointing of joy! Infuse us with your joy. Let us be the gate through which you flow joy to the world. The Lord has come!! Amen.

Day 3: Peace. Dear Father, anoint us with a fresh indwelling of your peace. How will the world experience your peace if it is not from us? Help us lift up our heads to receive your peace and give it to others today. Use us as instruments of your peace. Help us keep our peace as we keep our eyes fixed on you, because we trust in you and your holy name. Amen.

Day 4: Kindness. Lord, give us a fresh anointing of your spirit in the area of kindness. Fill us with your kindness. Let us be kind to everyone we see today. Help us to watch our words, always representing you well in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Day 5: Patience. Lord, today we pray for patience. Not just patience, but long suffering. All of us are praying for something we have waited for for a long time. Lord, help us persevere in prayer. Lift up our heads, and fill our spirit with your Holy Spirit anew. Help us with the power of your spirit to be patient and persevere. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 6: Goodness. Today, Lord, lift up our heads and fill us with your goodness. Help us to be good to others. Help us to complete the good work you have appointed for each one of us to do. Help us not be distracted by what is going on in the world, but be focused on what you want us to be doing today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 7: Faithfulness. Heavenly Father, help us by your Spirit to be faithful today. Faithful in what we say and what we do. Faithful to trust you in all circumstances. Great is your faithfulness, Oh God! You are our portion! That is why we will wait for you in hope. Amen.

Day 8: Gentleness. Heavenly Father, please, flow over us with your Spirit today. Give us a spirit of gentleness. Help us correct with gentleness, speak with gentleness, and lead with gentleness, giving mercy as we have received mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Day 9: Self Control. Heavenly Father, continue to fill us with your spirit as we pray for spiritual fruit flowing from you through us to the world. We pray today for self control. We cannot have self control on our own, but by your spirit you can empower us. Fill us with your spirit. Amplify your spirit within us and diminish our flesh. Help us to be strong in you. Now Lord, lift up our heads, and continue to fill us daily as we bear all the attributes of the fruit of the spirit. Let your spirit flow out from us to the world. Amen.

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